Koop drie boeke deur dr. Leonie Pretorius teen slegs R450 (versending ingesluit). Die boekbondel is beskikbaar terwyl voorraad hou. Lees meer oor dié boeke en voltooi die bestelvorm hier onder om jou boekbondel te bestel.
To be seated in Heavenly Places
You can enter the presence of The King! This book is written with a passion to bring you closer to God; that He may not be far and out of reach anymore, but that you will lay down your life and reach the place that will enable you to call Him Abba, my Father.
Sieraad vir As
Ruil jou as vir God se sieraad. Om vir my sieraad vir as te gee, olie van vreugde vir my rou, en 'n gewaad van lof vir 'n verslae gees. Hierdie boek is 'n metamorfose van jou geestelike lewe. 'n Alles-in-een boek vir geestelike groei.
The Truth Sets You Free
Dr Leonie explores the sacraments of washing feet, the mass sacrament, and baptism from a Scriptural perspective. This book debunks misleading traditions and encourages a deeper, truthful relationship with God. It promises to enrich your spiritual journey, helping you see the greatness of the Triune God and worship Him in spirit and truth.
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